European Physiology Day – 12th October 2021

Dear FEPS Member Countries,

It is my pleasure to inform you that the European Physiology Day tentative program is now published on the FEPS web page:

Please note that

  • Registration is free, but required to fill out an online form. It is simple & easy, that we will use to send the meeting Zoom link to the participants.
  • Deadline for the Acta Physiologica Rising Star Award is closing on 12th September
  • Deadline for abstract submission at the EYPS oral and poster presentations is closing on 12th September
  • There will be awards for the oral and poster presentations at the EYPS program, flyer attached.

FEPS general council meeting will also be held online during the meeting. Minutes of the previous GC meeting and program will be sent out later this month.

We would be grateful if you could inform your members about the European Physiology Day 2021.

Hope to see you all soon online & Best Wishes


Prof. Dr. Bayram Yılmaz

FEPS Secretary General
